Links of Interest
American Association of Endodontists – national organization representing the specialty of Endodontics or root canal treatment.
American Dental Association – ADA Online – access to news, publications, and products and services related to dental health.
American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons– national organization representing the specialty of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons.
American Academy of Periodontology– national organization representing the specialty of Periodontics.
American Association of Orthodontists– national organization representing the specialty of Orthodontics.
North Carolina Dental Society-state organization representing dentistry.
Cornelius– Cornelius, North Carolina Home Page.
Lincolnton– Lincolnton, North Carolina Home Page.
American Medical Association – another useful site with links to consumer health information. Searchable database of more than 650,000 physicians.
MedicineNet – Content-rich commercial site includes interactive groups, ask-the-doctor feature, medical dictionary, comprehensive drug information, medical news, disease-specific information, and links.
Medscape – Searchable commercial collection of full-text articles from such useful sources as the National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Medical Matrix – Physician maintained commercial database of annotated health links. Oriented toward medical professionals, but accessible to an educated lay person. A keyword search gets you to a subject index, from which you navigate to the links you want.
WebDental – American based dental database